Awkward, Weird, Curious
In high school, E.M. Goldsmith penned her first book. It was horrible, an adolescent story of love, betrayal, and suicide that every student at her school passed around and read.
One day, the AP English teacher confiscated the book written by the precocious and odd student. He laughed at the first page. There must have been fifty errors in the first five, hand-written pages of the blasted thing.
Much to E.M. Goldsmith’s horror, he read a passage out loud to the gathered students. And laughed and proclaimed it to be “not quite awful”. He might have awarded the pages a B if it were to be graded.
One student asked “Are all writers insane?”
The students vocally believed E.M. unhinged, perhaps a little dangerous. They were not entirely wrong.
The AP English teacher replied. “You have to be insane to write. After all, you leave your soul naked and bleeding in full sight of the rest of the world. None of you would be brave enough to try something like this.”
He unceremoniously returned the book to E.M. with a warning. “Don’t pass this around anymore. You’ll get yourself suspended. This is not appropriate for children.”
So here is the site of the still bleeding author. Join her. There be dragons here. And magic, mayhem, and madness.
And adventure and joy. The impossible made real.